What if, hypothetically, you were able to clearly see the connections? If you could review your life and understand the purpose your parents, your friends, your lost loved ones, your dog, your ex-partners, your business partners, even the girl who made you coffee had in your life? How powerful it would be if there was a way to know what impact each person made on our life and their reason for being in our world. I'm finding it to be a fun game, actually, looking back and finding the unique ah-ha principle behind the characters in my story.
Some were there to encourage me to take another path. I've had bosses who were there to make the current path so difficult I had no other option than look for another way and that ended up being so much better. I've had deep loves leave so that I could question my priorities. I had people get disappointed with me so I could learn that you can't please everyone. There have been people whom I loved that judged me, who insisted on being negative so that I could choose relationships that felt better, that were uplifting instead.
I've had beautiful female friends who taught me I could be strong and elegant at the same time. I've had regular customers who taught me languages that later in life helped me make a lifelong connections. I dated someone who challenged my morals until I stood up for myself, taught me to not tolerate anyone taking me for granted. I've had people who couldn't meet their own needs drain me until I realized that if I don't take care of myself, I can't be there for anyone else.
I've had teachers who gave me life skills that made my journey more interesting, and gave me outlets to capture it in words and images. I dated a man who loved to tell me no, who drew in tight limits on things that brought me joy and he taught me how good it feels to say yes. I had a father who showed me that taking risks can help elevate life - get more juice out of it. I had an amazing man teach me the beauty of living big and I was ready for it because I had started to take risks and was willing to say yes.
Life and experience are fantastic teachers, but I find that when I look, many valuable lessons have been introduced, accented, started, and clarified by the power of others in my life. I am grateful for the ordinary, every day teachers. I find that the best connections are the symbiotic ones - where each party learns something or gains something from the other. Like: I'm here to show you being kind is more important than being right and you are here to teach me patience. Or: I am here to help support you as you reach for your dreams and you are here because I need a friend.
In life coaching, there is a special type of listening where you hear what that person is telling themselves, you hear where they are limiting themselves and you understand the piece of wisdom they need to propel them on their journey. We are often too close to our own version of this to be able to listen to ourselves, and it is only others who can point it out to us. We all are waking up at different times in different ways. The dream is that this is all there is. The reality is that you are writing your story and can make anything happen; if you want more to life, all you have to do is reach for it. And the characters in your life around you, each of them are there for a reason, rather you are aware of it or not.
What life lessons have others helped you learn? How have friends, coworkers and family impacted your life and aided you on your own journey? Who in your life has helped open your eyes or alter your perception and therefore your reality? What if these connections were not by chance but purposely in the right place at the right time to assist your inner growth and happiness? How can you do the same for the characters in your life now?