
Things I Learned This Year of Being Fully Alive

Every year around my birthday, I reflect on what I have learned during this year of being alive. And each year there seems to be more, as life is largely about learning and sharing for me. This year was huge, so it has taken some extra time for retrospection.

You see, this year, I built my own business from the ground up. That is no small feat. The research alone is a full-time job. I wrote a business plan, I designed a website. I signed contracts, I became a resaler for some products, and also designed my own. I wrote curriculum, standards, and designed class outlines for new PADI classes. I met in a boardroom for negotiations with a hotel. I created signage, and with an amazing friend’s help, created fliers and brochures. I created a branding package. But here are the things that stand out about building a new business, and the lessons that stuck with me this year: 

This year I learned that no matter how perfect that thing you want seems, if it doesn’t work out, there’s a reason: there is a better possibility. It’s hard to see in the moment, when your current dream falls apart in front of you leaving you shocked and numb. I thought I had the perfect fit, and then they told me no. SO, I went back to the drawing table and asked myself, do you still want this? Could it be better received elsewhere, and will you give it the chance? The answer was yes, so I contacted those who told me no and asked why. I asked for feedback that would help me grow and learn and be more successful the next time around. I took their feedback to heart and applied it right away. And the next fit I tried for was SO MUCH better than what the first fit had to offer. Better than I could have dreamed up! And I come away from all this knowing that I am much happier where I am at than I ever could have been with that original dream. Remember with every disappointing wrong fit, there is a more perfect one waiting. Don’t get so caught up in what didn’t work that you don’t see other possibilities. 

I learned that it is extremely hard for me to make cold calls. I’ve always known that about myself, I’m a shy critter by nature. Seeking out a stranger in a position higher than my own to ask for something I want from them…that’s truly scary to me. As in cold sweats, fist clenching, stuttering words, literally shaking in my shoes scary. But it can be done. Three deep breaths, and posture that says I-know-where I-am-going and I’ve-got-this helps. When making cold calls, I have learned it is best to come from a place of love. Treat the person you are meeting for the first time as though they are a friend. Truly listen to them so you can talk with them, not at them. Bring them coffee, and if at all possible, hug a bunch of people before you go in, lighten up that nervous heart!

I’ve learned that there are always people out there who have got your back. Even if you haven’t seen them in over a year, friends are always rooting for you. I learned that there are so many people on this island who are in my corner, there is no way I should feel alone, ever. (As a side note for those of you who are reading this, know that at any time you need encouragement or a hug, I am here for you, even if it’s been a long time, please call me.)

I have been reminded that it comes back to you. Glow at others, and they will glow at you when your light is dim. The goodness we put out there is never wasted. For loved ones, for strangers, for those in positions above and below us, showing kindness is always of value.

Kindness first. If you can make this a priority, it will change all of your interactions. You are fully in charge of your reactions. Be mindful. Let kindness come up first. Not frustration. Not anger. I'm not perfect, no one is, but I try. I was recently upgraded to the front of the plane because kindness is a priority for me.

Be mindful with your feedback. Often, we want to tell others what is not working. We make their short comings about us, we take it personally and then our words to them are anything but kind. Remember when you are putting statements out online that they don’t go away. Words written in reaction-mode in reviews or comments on social media tend to be a lot about me me me, and less mindful of how it makes that person feel. I’ve seen a lot of scathing remarks made by people who don’t fully understand a situation and they sadden those they are aimed at, and change that person’s behavior, not for the better. If you try looking for what is working and state this first, acknowledge what the person is doing right, point out the best qualities first, then the person has a chance to take your feedback as well rounded and view what they are doing/producing as a work in progress, not a failure.

I’ve learned that even if what you are putting out there is beautiful and pure, people will still hate it, and they will hate you and there’s nothing you can do about it. So you'd better let that go. The more involved I get with social media for the business, the more reactions and comments I receive. There will always be people who don’t get it, who don’t get you. That’s absolutely okay. Keep doing what you are doing, keep shining your light, keep swimming in your strange way if it works for you. And focus on the people who really get you, who understand what you are trying to do, collect these people, keep them close.  You can always tell the strong women, they are helping lift others up, not tearing others down to make themselves look better.

I’ve been reminded to choose my tone. With every singe sentence. With every reply. With every reaction. The same words said in a loving tone are soft, and in a frustrated tone are knives. Being mindful of your tone keeps your words more on track with your intentions. It prevents unnecessary arguments, and helps you to be better understood. This is especially important around children. And loved ones.  

I’ve been reminded that others will care more about being right then they care about being close. Guys, repeatedly correcting others, or contradicting their statements doesn’t make you closer to them. You may be really intimate with Google, but you won’t have close relationships with your friends and family. 
I’ve also had the harsh reminder that how others take care of themselves or don’t, is not something I can control.  Naturally, when you love someone, you want the best for them. You want them to be healthy. That’s nice. But those things are not up to you. You cannot make them healthy. Unless that someone is your toddler, you are not in control of their health. You can’t make them see a doctor. You can’t make them live deeper, more fully, more effortlessly, move easier, eat better, look better, sleep better, none of this. The big news is that all of that is up to them. And some people would rather suffer, would rather put up roadblocks, would rather stay in the uncomfortable place they are in. That’s okay, it really is their choice. What can you do? You can love them. You can accept them. That’s all. It’s hard to step back and watch, but let their health be theirs. Let your love for them be yours.

Stubbornness distances you from others. I used to think stubbornness was a cute trait. I now think open mindedness is much more sexy. And, coincidentally, 99 times out of a hundred, open mindedness will bring you more happiness and closeness than being stubborn. I know, shocker.

I’ve learned that showing up is huge. If you want something, show up, work towards it. We’d all like for the things we want to come to us, but often, you need to meet them halfway. For example, some mornings the hotel calls to tell me they don’t have any bookings for me. I could take the day off, but I’d rather teach classes, so I go in. I set up. I talk to people. And usually, those are the days where I have the most students in my classes. Because I showed up. 
I’ve learned that being a mermaid is a lot like being the tooth fairy. Kids are drawn to you. You are magical and glittery and much less intimidating than Santa Claus. Yup, my mermaid tail is a kid magnet, and I love that. I’m a physical manifestation of their dreams, I am their dreams come true. So I try to hold the magic for them, help them believe. Logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere.

I have been reminded that there are truly good, generous people everywhere. When you reach out, when you open up and share, when you shine your light, others will recognize it and share back. Be who you are and share the magic of that with others. You never know who you will inspire.

Even when you don’t know how, keep moving towards what you want. Worry less about the ‘hows’, for they can drain your dream of its momentum. Instead, focus on the next step. You don’t need to know how it will work, just believe deeply that it will, that is enough. Just keep swimming.

Be clear about what you want. Put it out there. Write it down, speak it out loud. Otherwise, you are just waiting for whatever shows up. Tim and I set intentions all the time. Before our last journey, we put it out there that we wanted to see wildlife, have amazing interactions with them. We saw a flock of wild turkeys, a herd of elk, made eye contact with a coyote, had a bear walk thru the backyard, and fed a whitetail deer who approached us. Bat rays swam up to our toes in the bay. We spotted grey whales and harbor seals in the Pacific. We woke up to mule deer in our yard, paused for snakes to cross our path, and played peek a boo with a peregrine falcon, great white egret and a blue heron in the city. A hummingbird perched next to us for twenty minutes to watch the mountains light up with the sunrise in the forest. We laughed as spotted fawns played tag jumping the creek next to our trail, and then slept in the shade of our window awning. What was it we had asked for again? Oh yes, wildlife. You get my point.

As a scuba teacher, I learned this year that not everyone who enrolls in an Open Water certification class is meant to dive, or will become a diver. Just taking the test and going thru the paperwork doesn’t tell you if you’ll like the sensation of breathing underwater. And like all of my students before them, I found a way to support these people, to accept it and help them feel good about their accomplishments.  Even if they didn’t set out to do what they originally planned, they still tried new things, faced fears and learned valuable things about themselves.

I have learned that it is possible for you to train your eyes to see better underwater without a mask. And that over time, this may improve, if you can stay relaxed, and keep at it.

I knew that manta rays had the ability to feel your heartbeat, your resonance, your electro magnetic energy. This year, I learned just how in-tune and sensitive they are. I’ve learned that when I take out guests who are in a positive place, and are just sweet hearts overall, the mantas stay around longer than when I take out guys who are having a bad day, or are distracted or tend to push their way vs. feel their way thru life. I know that sounds strange, but the empaths reading this will understand. I’ve seen a manta respond immediately to a small change in heart.   

Through the hurricane, when there was a chance of being evacuated and we thought about packing a bag, I learned that I can always make more money to buy more things and go on more journeys, but I cannot buy more time with people I love once they are gone. This year, I learned that the people I love are the things I would pack to take with me. 

So there you have it, friends, a short overview of what I have learned this year of being alive. Thanks for reading. I hope some of you find something that resonates here for you. If I could leave you with anything new to try or to consider, it would be Kindness First. Out of all the possible reactions and possible approaches to others, try choosing kindness. Let it begin with you.

Best wishes for the year ahead, S